Port Coogee Village Shopping Centre, Perth, WA
Port Coogee is a new award winning marina and residential estate with a village atmosphere. Located 25km south of Perth and 5km south of Fremantle, it is set in a beautiful coastal environment with safe pristine beaches and parklands. The new shopping village is a place to shop, wine, dine, socialise and enjoy the marina atmosphere. The shopping centre consists of a Woolworth’s supermarket and 13 specialty shops.
Project Design Brief
Designers wanted to provide the maximum amount of parking bays possible and required a level pavement that would be safe for pedestrians, shopping trolleys, prams, wheelchairs and bikes. A grated trench drain was chosen as the solution over a traditional concrete-swale drainage system.
ACO's Solution
- PowerDrain S200K with Iron Slotted grates
- The polymer concrete trench drain allows for a level pavement surface between the parking bays and the road carriageway, making it suitable for shopping trolleys, prams, wheelchairs and bikes whilst also ensuring all rainwater runoff is captured
- PowerDrain S200K system has a built-in slope ensuring water drains to the outlet
- The PowerLok boltless locking mechanism allows easy and efficient access for maintenance procedures