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Museum Street, Perth, WA

The City of Perth recently completed a new pedestrian friendly precinct that connects to the Perth Cultural Centre. The project converted Museum Street from a two‑way street to a one‑way street to create space for the dedicated pedestrian area. The landscape design included tree plantings, street furniture, lighting, CCTV cameras, Wi-Fi, artwork and colourful pavement graphics.

Project Design Brief

A drainage system capable of capturing water from a large flat surface area was required. Due to the high number of underground services already existing in the area, designers required a surface water drainage solution. The large number of pedestrians moving through the area necessitated a heel and bike friendly grate that would also be robust to withstand vehicular traffic.

ACO's Solution


  • The pavement could be constructed as flat as possible due to the 0.5% built-in slope within K200 sloped channels
  • The Iron Intercept Galvanised Heelsaferegistration markAnti-Slip grate provides a slip resistance rating of P2 to AS 4586 and load class D to AS 3996 meeting the designer’s requirements
  • The QuickLok boltless locking system enables easy access for maintenance purposes
Museum St Perth
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