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Monash University, Melbourne, VIC

Monash University recently remodelled the university entrance and the forecourt between the Law faculty building and the Robert Menzies Building (Arts and Humanities faculty). The aim of the project was to “provide a seamless, high quality forecourt space with improved accessibility and visual appeal” – Monash University website. The Menzies Law Forecourt represents the university’s new approach to create a consistent urban design for all major spaces throughout the university. The landscape designers conducted feasibility studies to pedestrianise the campus and created a bicycle strategy.

Project Design Brief

The original forecourt consisted of pathways and stairs at various pavement levels that compromised accessibility. An uninterrupted pavement surface suitable for the safety of high numbers of pedestrians, wheelchairs and cyclists as well as access for heavy service vehicles was therefore required. Designers wanted a durable drainage system with grates that are slip resistant, safe for heels and comply with the access and mobility code.

ACO's Solution


  • The KlassikDrain system has a 0.5% built-in internal slope facilitating water runoff to the outlets, perfect for large expanses of flat pavements
  • The Iron Intercept Heelsaferegistration markAnti-Slip grates provides a slip resistance rating of P2 to AS 4586 and meets requirements of AS 1428.2 for wheelchair and walking cane safety
Monash University Melbourne

Other ACO products used:

  • Multi-part access covers and cable pits
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