Kwinana Freeway, Perth, WA
The Kwinana Freeway widening project involved upgrading 4.5km of busy urban freeway from Leach Highway to Roe Highway and widening the existing two lane road to three lanes in both directions. The upgrade was necessary due to the urban expansion in the south west corridor, extra demands from the new Fiona Stanley Hospital and the impact on freight transport to the Port of Fremantle. The work included resurfacing the freeway and ramps, pavement marking, lighting, landscaping, noise and screen walls, road safety barriers and construction and modification of all associated drainage.
Project Design Brief
Some of the challenges to overcome on the project was the dense housing on both sides of the freeway presenting a long and narrow construction site with limited entry and exit points for machinery and site workers, safety issues, complex traffic management due to the 110,000 vehicles a day with limited working space. The increased road surface created a larger water catchment area and the reduced shoulder width required additional efficient drainage to prevent wide gutter flows in front of the road safety barriers.
ACO's Solution
- PowerDrain S200K with Iron Slotted grates
- The PowerDrain system is able to fit into the restricted shoulder width
- Continuous capture of surface runoff reduces the width of gutter flow
- Efficient capture of surface runoff reduced the number of gully pits to be constructed
- The PowerLok
boltless locking system enables easy and fast access for maintenance