Kangaroo Transport Industries, Canning Vale, Western Australia
Kangaroo Transport Industries is a privately family owned and operated logistics company. The company employs over 80 people with major depot facilities in Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth. To keep up with growth, a recent upgrade to the hardstand apron was commissioned at the Perth depot in Canning Vale.
Project Design Brief
Designers required a trench drain to bund any potential spillage of oils and fuel from the truck hardstand areas. This is in addition to the requirement to intercept contaminated stormwater runoff. The drainage system had to be strong enough to deal with regular turning and braking of the heavy wheel loads from trucks and forklifts. For the safe passage of these vehicles, the pavement needed to be constructed without undulations and drained efficiently.
ACO's Solution
- PowerDrain S300K with Iron Slotted grates
- Each modular unit of the trench drain can be assembled to produce a 0.5% sloped run to ensure efficient drainage in flat pavements
- On-site fabrications were required at the trench run corners. All half-metre polymer concrete channels have drill-out details on the side to aid the formation of corners and T-junctions.
- Iron Slotted grates are designed and tested to Class G (AS 3996) to withstand the heavy and regular wheel loads of trucks and forklifts
- Anti-shunt lugs secure each grate from movement and dislodgement from wheel movements and braking
- The ductile iron edge rail ensures maximum strength and protection for the channel body whilst providing a sturdy restraining edge for the concrete slabs