Hungry Jacks, Burnie, TAS
Hungry Jacks is a franchise of the International Burger King Corporation and has been operating in Australia since 1971. The first store opened in Perth and there are now over 390 stores Australia wide. The most recent franchise recently opened in Burnie, a port city on the northwest coast of Tasmania, providing 50 permanent jobs.
Project Design Brief
Designers wanted to ensure the pavement in the Hungry Jacks car park would be pedestrian and vehicle safe and chose a trench drainage system instead of grated pit option. Locating the trench drain at the end of the car park with a one-way fall would prevent water from flowing onto the road beyond the car park.
ACO's Solution
- KlassikDrain K200 system with Iron Intercept Galvanised Heelsafe
Anti-Slip grates
- ACO’s Technical Services Department provided designers with grate intake data to ensure the grate would capture all the rainwater run-off
- The 0.5% built-in slope in the KlassikDrain K200 channel ensures the water runoff from the flat pavement flows toward the outlet
- The Iron Intercept Heelsafe
Anti-Slip grate provides slip resistance rating P2 to AS 4586, meeting the designers’ pedestrian safety requirements
- Grates are certified to AS 3996 Load Class D