Hindley Street, Adelaide, SA
Hindley Street is a major tourist destination in Adelaide’s CBD and has recently undergone a significant upgrade to its streetscape. It is well known for its popular night-life venues and is in close proximity to the University of South Australia. Hindley Street has historical significance as it was the first street in Adelaide and is the location of the first stone-built church in South Australia.
Project Design Brief
The Adelaide City Council wanted to create a slow speed, shared street environment with a balance between cars, pedestrians, wheelchairs and cyclists. The road and footpath was designed to be at the same level instead of the traditional kerb and gutter design with its inherent safety hazards. The designers required an innovative linear drainage system that would compliment the continuous single level granite paving on the road and footpath.
ACO's Solution
- KlassikDrain K100 with Iron Intercept Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grates
- The dark coloured Iron Intercept Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grates co-ordinate aesthetically with the grey granite paving
- The Class D (AS 3996) load rated Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grate is ideal for service vehicles and delivery trucks
- The Iron Intercept Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grates adhere to the required pedestrian safety standards of slip resistance and heel safety