Fiona Stanley Hospital, Murdoch, WA
The recently opened Fiona Stanley hospital is the largest building of its type in Western Australia and cost $2 billion to build. The hospital is equipped with the latest technology and caters for 783 beds. The hospital is centrally located in a health, education and research precinct, 15 km south of Perth and 9 km north of Fremantle and will service Perth’s southern suburbs and regional Western Australia.
Project Design Brief
The architects designed the building with views to the external landscaping and courtyards. The drainage elements were required to be functional, elegant, discrete and safe for the large number of pedestrians, bicycles and mobility devices moving through the site. ‘The landscape and public domain are critical to the design, harmonising the precinct and connecting the different functions within the hospital’ – Hassell Architecture.
- MiniKlassik’s overall width of 80mm is suitable for high profile, aesthetic applications where a discreet barrier is required between hard and soft landscape
- MiniKlassik is able to cope with hydraulic capacities and can support additional outlets
- The galvanised steel restraining edge is durable and can accommodate a variety of pavement finishes such as concrete, pavers and grass
- The Heelsafe
Anti-Slip grates are pedestrian safe, providing slip resistance and are safe for stiletto heels, bicycles and mobility devices