Brisbane Racing Eagle Farm Redevelopment, Brisbane, QLD
A key aspect of the $37M redevelopment of the Eagle Farm Racecourse was to provide spectators with a bold and inviting walkway as well as improve access to the course via the Racecourse Road entrance. Also included was parking for over 1,000 vehicles and entry via Nudgee Road to the infield.
Project Design Brief
Designers had to work with existing levels and were restricted from introducing slopes to facilitate drainage in the pavement. Effective surface water runoff containment therefore could only be achieved by linear trench drain systems. These drains would traverse highly pedestrianised areas where stiletto heels would be prominent. Designers also had to specify pedestrian safe grates.
ACO's Solution
- KlassikDrain KS200 sloped system with Stainless 5 Star Heelsafe
Anti-Slip grates
- ACO’s Technical Services Department assessed the intake capacity of the specified grates to ensure stormwater runoff would be contained
- The KS200 sloped system provides a 0.5% built-in fall along the invert of the channel to ensure efficient run-off toward the outlet points
- Stainless 5 Star Heelsafe
Anti-Slip grates provide pedestrian safety as they are slip resistant and safe for stiletto heels