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Bathers Way Coastal Walk, Newcastle, NSW

Bathers Way is a 6km pathway following the Newcastle coastline from Merewether Ocean Baths in the south to Nobbys Beach in the north. It provides access to all the beaches in between with landscaping, shaded shelters, seating areas and platforms to view the spectacular coastal scenery. The path is accessible for all ages and abilities. The multi-million dollar coastal revitalisation project will be a popular tourist attraction for years to come.

Project Design Brief

To ensure the safety of the large numbers of pedestrians using the pathway daily for walking, running, cycling and skating, a durable trench drain with foot friendly grates suitable for wheelchairs and bicycle tyres was required. Strategically positioned drains were needed to prevent stormwater damage to the historic seaside buildings and prevent ponding.

ACO's Solution

  • KlassikDrain KS100 with Stainless 5 Star Heelsaferegistration markAnti-Slip grates
  • ACO Technical Services Departments provided designers with site-specific hydraulic data to ensure the grates would not have any bypass


  • Grade 304 stainless steel edge rails and grates ensure long-term durability in a corrosive salt-water coastal environment
  • Stainless 5 Star Heelsaferegistration markAnti-Slip grates comply to AS 4586 and AS 3996 pedestrian safety and load requirements
Bathers Way Walk
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