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Farringford Apartments, Tennyson Reach, Brisbane, QLD

Tennyson Reach is a thriving residential community consisting of high quality apartment buildings and is located on the Brisbane River, eight kilometres southeast of the Brisbane central business district. The apartments have uninterrupted views of the river and is situated…

Angel Place, Sydney, NSW

Angel Place is a historically significant laneway framed by heritage buildings and is part of the City of Sydney Laneway Revitalisation Strategy. The laneway is located in the city centre behind Martin Place and George Street and is home to…

Hindley Street, Adelaide, SA

Hindley Street is a major tourist destination in Adelaide’s CBD and has recently undergone a significant upgrade to its streetscape. It is well known for its popular night-life venues and is in close proximity to the University of South Australia.…

Forrest Place, Perth

Forrest Place, a square located in Perth’s CBD, has recently been redeveloped to become a safe and vibrant precinct for pedestrians. It comprises a permanent stage area, taxi and bus stands; enhanced lighting and improved street furniture.

Molesworth Street Upgrade

Molesworth St is the main street in Lismore. A concerted effort was adopted by the local council to upgrade and enhance the appearance of its main thoroughfare.

Guildford Principle Shared Path, Perth

Guildford Principle Shared Path, Perth, WA

Recently the Public Transport Authority of Western Australia completed works on the Principle Shared Path (PSP) extension along the Perth to Midland train line between Guildford Train Station and East Street. The new 1.3km cycle and pedestrian path improves safety…

Werrington Arterial Road

Werrington Arterial Road, NSW

The Australian Federal and NSW State government have committed $3.6 billion to improve infrastructure in Western Sydney over a 10-year period. Werrington Arterial Road is part of the infrastructure plan and consists of widening Gipps Street and Kent Road to…

Pheasants Nest Truckstop

Pheasants Nest Truckstop, NSW

Pheasants Nest, a town located on the Hume Highway between Goulburn and the outskirts of the Sydney metropolitan area, offers roadhouse catering for north and south bound traffic. NSW Roads and Maritime Services recently established a truck stop alongside it…

Carrington Road, Box Hill

Carrington Road, Box Hill, VIC

Carrington Road is a busy arterial road in the suburb of Box Hill near Melbourne. The road is popular for restaurants and retail outlets. Due to the increase in pedestrian traffic, the local council decided to extend the width of…

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