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Nepean River Green Bridge, Penrith, NSW

The NSW Government has recently built a new dual use bridge over the Nepean River to connect Penrith and Emu Plains. It is one of the longest single clear span footbridges (200m) in Australia and includes viewing platforms and balconies along the structure. The bridge provides a safe crossing for pedestrians and cyclists as part of a broader plan to improve connections to existing and future shared paths including the Great River Walk.

Project Design Brief

The bridge forms part of a total of 418m of publicly accessible footpaths. The trafficable surfaces had to be efficiently drained and grates needed to be both pedestrian and cycle friendly. This required adherence to legislative requirements for slip resistance and bicycle wheel safety. Designers also had the additional challenge of adapting a surface drainage system into a deck with restricted depth without compromising the system’s hydraulics.

ACO's Solution


  • The Stainless 5-Star Heelsaferegistration mark Anti-Slip grates meet the necessary pedestrian and cycle friendly criteria of AS 4586 and AS 3996
  • The 60mm shallow depth of the H100K-60 channel system ensured it could be installed into the bridge-topping slab
  • Vertical outlets in the channel allows water to evacuate into the underlying pipe work
Nepean River Green Bridge Penrith
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