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South Pine Road, Everton Hills, QLD

Morton Bay Regional Council recently completed the four-lane upgrade to South Pine Road between Camelia Avenue and Queen Road. The aim of the project was to improve peak travel times. The 700-metre upgrade included two extra traffic lanes, shared pedestrian and cycle paths on both sides of the road, a signalled intersection, U-turn facility and a lane enabling parking and access to properties on the south side of Pine Road.

Project Design Brief

Designers of the road had the challenge of space restrictions as the council encountered opposition to land acquisition from 14 residential properties on the southern boundary. This meant the traditional pit and pipe drainage option was unsuitable at the entrance of the Everton Hills shopping centre requiring an alternative solution.

ACO's Solution


  • The PowerDrain system was suitable for the restricted shoulder width and ensured 100% capture of rainwater runoff eliminating the width of gutter flow
  • PowerLok® boltless locking mechanism enabled easy and efficient access for maintenance operations
  • Anti-shunt lugs ensured grates remained firmly in place and would not be dislodged by excessive wheel movements from wheel loads occurring on the property cross-over
South Pine Road Everton Hills
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