Woolloongabba Bikeway, Brisbane, Qld
The Woolloongabba Bikeway is a new dedicated bikeway within the Stanley Street and Annerley Road corridors in Woolloongabba and South Brisbane. It is an important cycling route, providing access from Brisbane’s CBD to the southern and eastern suburbs in highly congested transport corridors, with major traffic dominated intersections.
Project Design Brief
Designers faced numerous complexities, including the integration of a major interchange at the Pacific Motorway, South East Busway access and major traffic generators such as The Mater Hospital and the Queensland Children’s Hospital. Cyclist safety was paramount for designers, as was ensuring surface water run-off was efficiently removed from pavements. Grate security was an added requirement of this project.
ACO's Solution
- PowerDrain S200K with Iron Intercept Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grates
- The ACO Technical Services team provided the designer with project specific hydraulic data to show that surface water could be removed efficiently from the pavement
- The sloped channel system provides 0.5% fall to ensure efficient drainage of water at outlet points
- PowerLok barless locking system secures each grate at four locations for security
- The integral ductile iron edge rail provides maximum strength and protection for the channel body