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Drainage Solutions for a Watery Future

With global climate change causing more frequent extreme weather events such as droughts and heavy rainfall, water management solutions require a serious and innovative approach. Drainage systems in ageing buildings risk falling short of hygiene safety standards, especially around kitchens and bathrooms where correct drainage is both requisite and most vital to get right. For older buildings, installing drainage solutions appropriate to manage increasing rainwater fall could mean removing floors, digging underground and even drilling through existing walls. But in an ever increasingly volatile climate, measures considering conservation, health and safety must be taken. ACO is designing and manufacturing world leading corrosion resistant drainage products and developing innovative system solutions to effectively manage water in Australia’s changing climate.

As well as enduring excessive rainfall due to more frequent and severe flooding, more frequent and lasting periods of drought have been common in recent years. In response to the rise of extreme weather events, Australian city climate change adaptation strategies are being implemented to bring light to the effects on water management in Australia. Section 6 of the City of Melbourne Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, for example, firmly states that “significant changes in water systems are expected to result from climate change”. According to the strategy, “the potential for storm drain inundation and flash flooding will likely increase with more intense rainfall events accompanied by sea level rise. These events have numerous flow on effects for example to business, transportation systems and health and safety”.

To help manage the increase in surface water, ACO offers innovative external drainage products consisting of factory manufactured modular channel units made from corrosion resistant Polycrete channels, together with grates from a variety of materials for all loading applications and designed to last into an uncertain future climate in the Australian outdoors. ACO also offers a complete suite of internal drainage products designed specifically for buildings.

Much of Melbourne’s drainage infrastructure is over 60 years old (even dating to the 1850s), and is designed to accommodate one in five year events. With localised flooding on the rise, interspersed with periods of drought, efficient drain systems are vital to infrastructure upgrades. Without careful installation of drainage products that meet modern legislative standards for health and safety, the effects of flooding and drought could be detrimental to buildings and infrastructure, not to mention the difficulty conserving water in outdated external drainage systems.

ACO’s commercial external drainage products are segmented into different product types dependent on use. This comprehensive, quality product range enables new and existing infrastructure to manage water in external applications whilst complying with a number of International Standards for safe use. In conjunction with a quality product range, ACO supports its business with technical sales support, and world class customer service.

ACO’s commercial external drainage products are designed to meet the functional requirements of Australia’s changing climate while simultaneously respecting aesthetic design and the health and safety of all Australians. ACO is your certain drainage solution in Australia’s uncertain climate future.

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