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ACO’s new drain scheduling software service

In the last decade, there has been an increase in the number of precast trench drains used in car parks, shopping centres, public domains, streetscapes, internal areas, petrol stations, truck stops, roads and various heavy commercial and industrial applications.

ACO’s modular, factory produced trench drains offer consistent quality and can be created with advanced shape profiles with a built-in slope, providing additional benefits and cost savings.

Without support documentation. determining what pieces go where can be a challenge when the products are delivered to site. This is particularly the case when multiple trench runs are involved in a   single project.

To ensure this part of the process runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible, ACO offers a CAD in-house design service where customers can be supplied with a trench drain layout to illustrate required positions and layouts of trench runs.

ACO has also launched a free DIY service that enables users to build their own documentation online.

‘Scheduler’ is a purpose written software program that shows trench drain run layouts in plan and elevation views including the position of outlets and accessories.

The program also calculates the Bill of Materials for each run and totals all the runs to ensure the correct parts and pieces are ordered. This service is particularly useful for onsite installers.

Scheduler Run Design And Layout

[click images to enlarge]

Scheduler Parts Schedule

This is one of many project specific services ACO offers to make specification, ordering and installation easy.

For more info, visit askACO ACO’s one stop service centre

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