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Old Hume Hwy, Mittagong

The Highlands Marketplace, situated on the Old Hume Highway, opened in 2007 and is home to Woolworths Supermarket, Big W and 35 specialty stores. The Centre is the principle fresh food, fashion and service outlet for the Southern Highlands communities.

Project Design Brief

Recently completed remediation road works on the highway, has allowed the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) to select ACO’s KerbDrain surface drainage system along the median strip to improve the roadwork surrounding the Shopping Centre.


  • Unlike conventional kerb and gutter systems, KerbDrain transforms kerbs into continuous inlet structures with minimal excavation.
  • The project showcases over 150 metres of KerbDrain in the super elevated section of the highway, where in some locations; units are assembled to tight radii near turning bays subject to regular accidental wheel contact.
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Old Hume Hwy, Mittagong
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