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Roads, Highways & Motorways

Roads, highways & motorways provide the most challenging environments for drainage systems. A variety of vehicle types, from cars to semi-trailers, travelling at high speeds, braking and turning in various weather conditions, 24 hours a day, can impose severe stress on road surfaces. Only proven, reliable, quality products are used in these applications. Drainage systems need to work efficiently to ensure surface water is removed quickly and that accidents do not occur from aquaplaning.

Trench drainage is used in a number of applications to overcome numerous challenges:

  1. Wide roads with flat grades (intersections)
  2. Crossovers
  3. Restricted depth applications i.e. bridges
  4. Super elevated transitions
  5. Medians/kerbs built close to roads thoroughfare (including right hand turn bays)
  6. Containing the contaminated runoff (WSUD)
  7. Shared Zones – pedestrians, light rail, road use


ACO TraffikDrain


ACO Monoblock


ACO KerbDrain

[Products selection must be assessed against specific project requirements, for advice contact ACO or visit our Support section]

ACO trench drain systems are available in many configurations and sizes to allow for the efficient removal of surface liquids from pavements.

ACO’s grated trench systems are either monolithic in construction for optimum safety in high speed traffic or are available with removable grates that are locked with boltless mechanisms into integrally cast ductile iron edge rails with anti-shunt mechanisms. Monolithic interlocking precast drainage kerbs are also available to reduce the width of flow where there is limited space between the edge of the carriageway and the kerb.

ACO has manufactured and supplied these products in Australia for over 25 years.

View Product Range Engineering Article Project Support
  • To view Road Drainage Cost Comparison, click here
  • ACO is acknowledged in the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 5A on pages 62 to 63 to download, click here
  • Drains for light rail, click here
  • To learn more about ACO’s other civil construction products, click here

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