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Australian made

EcoPanel (Linear permeable pavers)

EcoPanel is a stormwater trench drain cover constructed from permeable UV stable resin-bonded aggregate in a galvanised steel frame. The unique combination of a durable load bearing surface enclosed in an engineered frame allows for water infiltration. EcoPanel is a unique and decorative drainage solution that can be used as a design element to create distinctive urban landscapes. Suitable applications include parks, playgrounds and pedestrian malls.

A removable access unit is available to facilitate easy maintenance. EcoPanel permeable paver covers are installed into ACO’s KlassikDrain K200 (200mm width) Polycrete® Channels.

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EcoPanel - features & benefits

Ecopanel Features
1Removable access panel with lifting key hole
2Galvanised steel edge rail
3Galvanised steel frame
4KlassikDrain K200 Polycrete® Channel
5Standard cover with no lifting key hole
6Meets Load Class C AS 3996

EcoPanel - product details

Permeable paver tops
EcoPanel Colour Part Numbers
Ecopanel black granite Black granite Standard unit 142742
Access panel 142743
Ecopanel black granite Blue marble Standard unit 142744
Access panel 142745
Ecopanel black granite Silver marble Standard unit 142746
Access panel 142747
Ecopanel black granite Starlight granite Standard unit 142748
Access panel 142749
Ecopanel black granite Sand marble Standard unit 142750
Access panel 142751
Ecopanel black granite Grey marble Standard unit 142754
Access panel 142755

System Layout

klassikdrain system layout

KlassikDrain K200 - Channels Parts List

PDFDownload K200 Spec Info

PDFDownload KS200 Spec Info

Channels Part No.
Part No.
K2-00 Neutral channel - (1m)1 145041 145441 200 200 225 225 37.9
K2-1 Sloped channel - (1m) 145001 145401 200 205 225 230 37.9
K2-2 Sloped channel - (1m) 145002 145402 205 210 230 235 38.4
K2-3 Sloped channel - (1m) 145003 145403 210 215 235 240 38.9
K2-4 Sloped channel - (1m) 145004 145404 215 220 240 245 39.4
K2-5 Sloped channel - (1m)1 145005 145405 220 225 245 250 39.9
K2-6 Sloped channel - (1m) 145006 145406 225 230 250 255 40.4
K2-7 Sloped channel - (1m) 145007 145407 230 235 255 260 40.9
K2-8 Sloped channel - (1m) 145008 145408 235 240 260 265 41.4
K2-9 Sloped channel - (1m) 145009 145409 240 245 265 270 41.9
K2-10 Sloped channel - (1m)1 145010 145410 245 250 270 275 42.4
K2-010 Neutral channel - (1m)1 145043 145443 250 250 275 275 42.4
K2-0103 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 145044 145444 250 250 275 275 25.4
K2-11 Sloped channel - (1m) 145011 145411 250 255 275 280 42.9
K2-12 Sloped channel - (1m) 145012 145412 255 260 280 285 43.4
K2-13 Sloped channel - (1m) 145013 145413 260 265 285 290 43.9
K2-14 Sloped channel - (1m) 145014 145414 265 270 290 295 44.4
K2-15 Sloped channel - (1m)1 145015 145415 270 275 295 300 44.9
K2-16 Sloped channel - (1m) 145016 145416 275 280 300 305 45.4
K2-17 Sloped channel - (1m) 145017 145417 280 285 305 310 45.9
K2-18 Sloped channel - (1m) 145018 145418 285 290 310 315 46.4
K2-19 Sloped channel - (1m) 145019 145419 290 295 315 320 46.9
K2-20 Sloped channel - (1m)1 145020 145420 295 300 320 325 47.4
K2-020 Neutral channel - (1m)1 145045 145445 300 300 325 325 47.4
K2-0203 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 145046 145446 300 300 325 325 29.0
K2-21 Sloped channel - (1m) 145021 145421 300 305 325 330 47.9
K2-22 Sloped channel - (1m) 145022 145422 305 310 330 335 48.4
K2-23 Sloped channel - (1m) 145023 145423 310 315 335 340 48.9
K2-24 Sloped channel - (1m) 145024 145424 315 320 340 345 49.4
K2-25 Sloped channel - (1m)1 145025 145425 320 325 345 350 49.9
K2-26 Sloped channel - (1m) 145026 145426 325 330 350 355 50.4
K2-27 Sloped channel - (1m) 145027 145427 330 335 355 360 50.9
K2-28 Sloped channel - (1m) 145028 145428 335 340 360 365 51.4
K2-29 Sloped channel - (1m) 145029 145429 340 345 365 370 51.9
K2-30 Sloped channel - (1m)1 145030 145430 345 350 370 375 52.4
K2-030 Neutral channel - (1m)1 145047 145447 350 350 375 375 52.4
K2-0303 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 145048 145448 350 350 375 375 30.8
K2-31 Sloped channel - (1m) 145031 145431 350 355 375 380 52.9
K2-32 Sloped channel - (1m) 145032 145432 355 360 380 385 53.4
K2-33 Sloped channel - (1m) 145033 145433 360 365 385 390 53.9
K2-34 Sloped channel - (1m) 145034 145434 365 370 390 395 54.4
K2-35 Sloped channel - (1m)1 145035 145435 370 375 395 400 54.9
K2-36 Sloped channel - (1m) 145036 145436 375 380 400 405 55.4
K2-37 Sloped channel - (1m) 145037 145437 380 385 405 410 55.9
K2-38 Sloped channel - (1m) 145038 145438 385 390 410 415 56.4
K2-39 Sloped channel - (1m) 145039 145439 390 395 415 420 56.9
K2-40 Sloped channel - (1m)1 145040 145440 395 400 420 425 57.4
K2-040 Neutral channel - (1m)1 145049 145449 400 400 425 425 57.4
K2-0403 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 145050 145450 400 400 425 425 34.9
K2-902 In-line pit (0.5m) 141819 141820 - - 843 843 30.8
Type 902 In-line plastic rubbish basket 13999 13999 - - - - 0.5

SlabDrain H200K - Channels Parts List

PDFDownload H200K/H200KS Spec Info

Channels Part No.
Part No.
Invert Depth
Overall Depth
H200K Neutral channel (1m) 141789 141790 100 130 27.2

Need advice in specifying EcoPanel?

drain request formEcopanel technical supportACO offers project specific services designed to make specification, ordering and installation easy.

The services deal with each project’s unique, hydraulic, structural, maintenance and spacial requirements. The service is fully documented and is offered free of charge and obligation.

Downloads Installation Check hydraulics Design my drain runs Enquire now

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