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askACO’s free project services

Our expertise tailored to your project

ACO offers project-specific services designed to make specification, ordering and installation easy.

The services deal with each project’s unique, hydraulic, structural, maintenance and spatial requirements.

The service is fully documented and is offered free of charge and obligation.

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Project Support

askACO trench hydraulicsaskACO to propose the correct drain size for your next project

ACO can provide accurate channel recommendations with its proprietary drainage design software.

‘Hydro’ is a purpose written, hydraulic design program modelled on differential calculus for non-uniform flow in open channels. The program was further refined with empirical data, following a series of experiments modelling lateral intake into trenches.

Read Engineers Australia’s White Paper on trench drain sizing

* [Optimised for Chrome browsers for Desktop PCs]

grate hydraulicsaskACO to propose the correct inlet size grate for your next project

ACO can provide accurate grate recommendations with its proprietary software.

The hydraulic intake capacities of ACO’s grates have been independently measured by experimentation at the UNSW under varying flow rates and catchment approach slopes.

Read Engineers Australia’s White Paper on trench drain sizing

*Use our DIY software – GIClite, click here

* [Optimised for Chrome browsers for Desktop PCs]

askACO to propose the correct run layout, product parts and pieces for your next project

To make specification, ordering and site work easy, ACO can tailor a layout using CAD and other bespoke programs to illustrate (in plan and elevation) required positions and layouts of trench runs. A bill of materials is also produced.

To learn more about ACO’s design approach, click here.

Project support, enquire now

* [Optimised for Chrome browsers for Desktop PCs]

Where would you like your ACO Drains to discharge to?

Looking for a WSUD solution?

ACO can offer underground stormwater solutions for retention, detention or infiltration.

To learn more about ACO’s design approach click here

Enquire now

askACO about these topics

ACO can assist with a variety of general topics which will assist correct selection, for instance:


  • Advice on the most appropriate load class
  • Load test certificates

Site Requirements:

  • Advice on suitable trench drain and grate material
  • Material test reports
  • Detailed specification sheets

User requirements:

  • Information on industry standards

Talk to us on live chat, phone, email or in person

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askACO about our all-inclusive service

ACO can offer a comprehensive solution where the above services are combined to assist designers at the preliminary and detailed design stages of the project with an emphasis on:

  • Minimising earthworks and pipework.
  • Utilising existing pavement levels and drainage infrastructure.
  • Integrating other water management requirements, for example OSD, rainwater harvesting and other WSUD initiatives.

ACO recommendations include professional documentation, CAD drawings and product data sheets.

Examples of a costly vs. optimum drainage layout:

Costly inefficient drainage layout for an undulating pavement

Optimum drainage layout for a flat, level pavement

For more info, click here

Enquire now

To download a pdf of ACO’s services, click here
To learn more about askACO services, click here

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