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Tonkin Highway and Kelvin Road Intersection, Perth, WA

The Tonkin Highway is a 44km highway connecting the Reid Highway to Thomas Road in Oakland. It links Perth Airport and the industrial suburb of Kewdale with the city’s north eastern and south eastern suburbs. The Western Australian and Federal Governments committed $366M to upgrade intersections of the highway to improve safety and ease congestion.

Project Design Brief

The project included improvements to three intersections, one of which is Kelvin Road. The upgrade included additional lanes, including turning lanes, which posed some problems as available space was limited. Designers needed a compact drainage system that would effectively capture surface water runoff from the newly constructed lanes. Maintenance access would also be required.

ACO's Solution

  • KerbDrain QK200SM
  • Based on the site-specific catchment hydraulics, ACO’s Technical Services Department provided designers with hydraulic data, including slot intake capacities


  • KerbDrain transforms kerbs into continuous capture inlets
  • The compact design fits neatly in the shoulder of the carriageway
  • Installing KerbDrain reduces the cost compared to conventional kerb inlet drainage, due to fewer pits and pipes resulting in less excavation
  • Access units ensure easy access for rodding and maintenance
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