Telegraph Road, Bracken Ridge, Brisbane, QLD
Telegraph Road has recently undergone an $82M upgrade, which involved removing the level crossing and installing an overpass that connects Telegraph Road to Linkfield Road. The upgrade comprised a new four lane road over the rail line and the installation of a new signalised intersection.
Project Design Brief
The superelevated section of the road and the limited space at the shoulder, required designers to consider alternative options to closely spaced kerb inlet pits. The drainage system also needed to withstand heavy wheel loads and be easy to maintain. The solution was to install a compact drainage system with continuous capture, to eliminate surface water hazards during heavy storms.
ACO's Solution
- TraffikDrain TD300 with Hi-Flo grates
- TraffikDrain with high intake grates ensure quick, continuous collection of surface water
- TraffikDrain requires less excavation than traditional kerb inlet pits, ideal for roads with restricted shoulders
- Anti-shunt lugs ensure grates remain firmly in place under dynamic wheel load.
- The PowerLok
boltless locking mechanism provides easy access for maintenance
Other ACO products used:
- Cable pits