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Sydney Light Rail, Sydney

The 12km long Sydney Light Rail network connects Circular Quay with the Moore Park sporting and entertainment precinct, the University of NSW and the Prince of Wales Hospital. The extended network provides a low carbon transport option for Sydney’s residents and visitors.

Project Design Brief

Located within pedestrian areas, a major challenge for designers was to manage surface water run-off from the pavement and tram tracks so that it would be safe for pedestrians, cyclists and commercial vehicles.

ACO's Solution


  • TramDrain is designed to collect water from the track grooves and directs water into the underlying polymer concrete channel through rubber chutes
  • TramDrain 200A is available in different lengths to suit different track configurations throughout the network
  • Iron Intercept Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grates are suitable for pedestrians, wheelchairs, cyclists and is load rated to Class D (AS 3996) for commercial vehicular traffic

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Sydney Light Rail
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