Southport Burleigh Road Upgrade, Gold Coast, Qld
The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads recently upgraded an 8km section of Southport Burleigh Road at an estimated cost of $105M. Southport Burleigh Road runs through a constrained urban corridor and was in need of an upgrade to reduce congestion. Three lanes were constructed in each direction by converting existing parking lanes to through lanes.
Project Design Brief
With a tight corridor width to work in, designers had to ensure all surface runoff was immediately captured from the turning lanes without ponding against the centre median. A trench drain was deemed the most effective way to ensure all surface runoff could be captured immediately.
ACO's Solution
- TraffikDrain TD200 with Iron Hi-Flo grates
- Based on site-specific road catchment hydraulics, ACO’s Technical Services Department provided designers with hydraulic data to confirm both the grates and channel run could capture the runoff without ponding. Advice was also given on the optimum pit spacing.
- The large openings of the Hi-Flo grate ensure runoff could be intercepted
- Anti-shunt lugs in the channel restrain against longitudinal movement so that grates aren’t dislodged by excessive wheel movements and braking
Other ACO products used:
- Trafficable cable enclosures (ACO Cablemate®)