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Smart Freeways Kwinana Northbound, Perth, WA

The Kwinana Northbound is unique in that it’s classified as a smart freeway.
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) allow road sensors, detection radars and CCTV cameras to monitor traffic conditions and adjust in real time with the existing emergency lane to help facilitate a thoroughfare where required.

Project Design Brief

The main challenge for engineers was to transform, for normal operations, the existing emergency lane into an additional traffic lane from the Canning Highway to the Narrows Bridge. Designers needed to incorporate a trench drain system into a very restricted space where conventional kerb inlets could not be used.

ACO's Solution

  • TraffikDrain TD300 with Hi-Flo grates
  • ACO’s Technical Services department provided designers with hydraulic performance data of the TraffikDrain system and gave advice on the optimal spacing of the pits


  • The large openings of the Hi-Flo grate ensures runoff is efficiently captured eliminating the hazard of gutter flow to motorists.
  • Anti-shunt lugs ensure grates remain firmly in place and are not dislodged when accidently trafficked by wayward vehicles.
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Smart Freeways Kwinana Northbound
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