Samford Road, Samford Valley, QLD
Samford Village is a popular destination for cyclists who enjoy riding from the northwest suburbs of Brisbane, through the picturesque Samford Valley. The road currently does not have cycle lanes and has been widened several times over the years to cater for the increased number of cyclists enjoying the scenic route.
Project Design Brief
Ponding of rainwater occurs at several locations along the road, creating hazards for cyclists in wet weather. A cost effective and efficient drainage system was required to quickly capture and remove the surface water along the shoulder of the road to ensure cyclists have a safe passage during wet weather.
ACO's Solution
- KerbDrain QK200B
- ACO’s Technical Service Department provided designers with exact hydraulic performance data and advice to ensure no ponding would occur during storms
- The KerbDrain slots ensure that the surface water run-off is quickly and efficiently removed from the shoulder of the road
- KerbDrain eliminates the need for grates in the shoulder of the road, providing more usable space and removing hazards for cyclists