Samford Rd & Wardell St, Enoggera, QLD
In the inner western suburb of Brisbane, the intersection at Samford Road and Wardell Street was upgraded at a cost of $65 million. The infrastructure upgrade reduced accidents, improved traffic flow and saved commuters approximately eight minutes per trip. Additional safety measures included safer bus stops and wider footpaths for pedestrians and cyclists and a new entry to Gallipoli Barracks to relieve road congestion. The upgrade has had a positive impact on local businesses and the wider community
Project Design Brief
The installation of additional lanes created challenges for designers, as they were unable to reclaim the footpath at the front of the Department of Defences’ Gallipoli Barracks. With increased runoff volumes created by the additional traffic lanes and varying site levels the traditional pit and pipe option was deemed unsuitable due to space restrictions.
ACO's Solution
- KerbDrain QK200B
- ACO’s Technical Services Department assisted designers with hydraulic performance data of the KerbDrain system and accurate slot intake capacities
- The compact KerbDrain allowed the existing footpath to remain whilst providing drainage at the kerb line
- The road did not require a shoulder lane, as the flow width is minimal due to the continuous capture inlets of the KerbDrain
Other ACO products used:
- Cable pits