Reid Highway, Perth WA
Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) has been progressively upgrading sections of the Reid Highway to a dual carriageway to reduce congestion in peak periods. The most recent stage of the upgrade was a 2.2km section between Erindale Road and Duffy Road.
Project Design Brief
The upgrade included improvements to existing intersections, additional lanes and turning lanes, which created minimal shoulder width. Designers needed a compact drainage system as conventional kerb inlet pit and pipe drainage would have meant gully pits protruding into the carriageway.
ACO's Solution
- KerbDrain QK200SM
- ACO’s Technical Services team assisted designers with hydraulic performance data of the system, including slot intake capacities
- KerbDrain transforms kerbs into continuous inlet structures requiring little excavatio
- The 500mm lengths of KerbDrain made it easy for installers to follow the shape of the turning lanes during installation
Other ACO products used:
- Trafficable cable enclosures (ACO Cablemate®)