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Queensland Rail Maintenance Facility, Ipswich, QLD

The Queensland Government’s New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) is in response to increasing the passenger train fleet in southeast Queensland and has constructed a purpose-built maintenance centre at Wulkuraka at a cost of $190 million. The new state-of-the-art facility will employ 150 people to maintain, service and repair 75 six-car electric trains over a 30-year period.

Project Design Brief

New stormwater civil works was required to improve the local drainage. Culverts and drainage pipes were installed across the rail corridor. The service road running beside the maintenance facility was a small corridor and had extensive underground electrical and communication cables connecting to the facility, creating challenges for designers. A shallow drainage system with minimal gully pits was required.

ACO's Solution

  • TraffikDrain TD300 with Iron Hi-Flo grates
  • ACO’s Technical Service Department was able to advise the designers on hydraulic flow rates, grate intake rates and pit spacing


  • The TraffikDrain System was able to fit into the restricted shoulder width
  • TraffikDrain Hi-Flo grates ensure 100% capture of stormwater surface run-off eliminating width of gutter flow

Other ACO products used:

  • Cable pits
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Queensland Rail Maintenance Facility
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