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Peachey Rd, Ormeau, Gold Coast, Qld

As part of the M1 Exit 54 Interchange project, several arterial roads were upgraded to where they connected with existing thoroughfares. This included the replacement of roundabouts with signalised intersections. Additionally Peachey Road, Ormeau was required to provide safe pedestrian access to the adjacent Ormeau Shopping Centre.

Project Design Brief

Designers faced several constraints around existing levels, which required the surface water runoff to be efficiently drained to prevent puddles. The drainage system needed to be roadworthy but safe for pedestrians and cyclists.

ACO's Solution

  • TraffikDrain with Iron Transverse & Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grates.
  • ACO’s Technical Services department provided designers with hydraulic performance data and gave advice on the optimal spacing of the pits.


  • The versatility of the TraffikDrain system enables both large and small inlet grates to be installed in the channel. The smaller inlet, Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grate, ensures a safe passage for pedestrians, prams and cyclists.
  • TraffikDrains compact design enables it to fit neatly in the shoulder of the carriageway.
  • Anti-shunt lugs ensure grates remain firmly in place and are not dislodged when accidently trafficked by wayward vehicles.

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Peachey Rd, Ormeau
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