North Ward Road - Townsville, QLD
North Ward Road is one of the major arterial roads linking Townsville city with its northern suburbs. The recently completed $60M road upgrade posed a number of issues for designers.
Project Design Brief
The main challenge was to create an urban highway within a heavily restricted road corridor. The design solution also required the carriageway to be reconfigured from two lanes into four lanes while the road was being used.
ACO's Solution
ACO’s PowerDrain provided the ideal drainage solution. Major cost savings were achieved by eliminating a large number of side inlet gully pits in the elevated sections of the road.
- The PowerLok
boltless grate locking mechanism ensures long term easy maintenance as it eliminates the need for cumbersome locking fixtures such as bolts.
Other ACO products used:
- ACO Drain
trench drains
- ACO Cablemate
cable pits