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Narellan Road, Campbelltown NSW

The Australian and New South Wales Governments have jointly funded the upgrade of Narellan Road to reduce congestion, improve safety and reduce travel times. The seven kilometer upgrade runs from Camden Valley Way, Narellan, to Blaxland Road, Campbelltown, and is a vital part of the upcoming Western Sydney Airport’s transport infrastructure.

Project Design Brief

The upgrade included additional lanes and turning lanes, which were difficult to connect into existing road networks. Some intersections offered minimal shoulder width, which meant designers needed a compact drainage system as conventional pit and kerb inlet pit and pipe drainage would have meant gully pits protruding into the carriageway.

ACO's Solution

  • KerbDrain QK200SF combined channel and kerb system
  • ACO’s Technical Services Department assisted designers with hydraulic performance data of the system, including slot intake capacities


  • KerbDrain transforms kerbs into continuous inlet structures requiring little excavation
  • KerbDrain’s 500mm lengths made it easy for installers to follow the shape of the median strip during installation
  • KerbDrain QK200SF saved approximately 10% on construction costs due to the reduced number of pits

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Narellan Road, Campbelltown
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