Murdoch Drive, Murdoch, WA
The intersection of Murdoch Drive and South Street was recently upgraded to cater for the increased traffic volumes expected from the newly opened Fiona Stanley Hospital and the planned development of the Murdoch Activity Centre.
Project Design Brief
The designers requested an alternative solution to the large number of closely spaced kerb-inlet pits required to capture the high volume of water run-off from the sag point and surrounding catchment areas. The removal of all the surface water was of critical importance to reduce ponding issues that could cause hazards to vehicles and pedestrians.
ACO's Solution
- KerbDrain QK200B
- ACO’s Technical Service Department assisted designers with calculated hydraulic performance data, slot intake capacities and the correct pit spacing distance
- A continuous capture inlet system that reduces the gutter flow width and ponding hazards
- A compact linear drainage system that reduces excavation and installation costs, compared to closely spaced kerb-inlet pits
- QK200B profile is similar to the WA Main Roads barrier kerb, ensuring a smooth transition with the existing kerb and gutter
Other ACO products used:
- Cable pits