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Mooloolaba Road, Sunshine Coast, QLD

Mooloolaba is a major tourist destination on the Sunshine Coast and is experiencing significant development with increased traffic pressures. Mooloolaba Road has a steep gradient and winding curves from Buderim Hill to Mooloolaba, creating challenging driving conditions in wet weather. The local council upgraded the road to improve road safety by providing dedicated turning lanes, a slow vehicle lane and improving the drainage to reduce the amount of water on the road in wet weather.

Project Design Brief

The upgrade created super elevated sections on the road and designers wanted to ensure that the all the surface water run-off was quickly captured before transgressing across the narrow median shoulder to the other side of the road. The linear drainage system needed to be durable and able to withstand heavy wheel loads.

ACO's Solution

  • TraffikDrain TD200 with Hi-Flo grates
  • ACO’s Technical Service Department provided the project engineers with exact hydraulic performance data to advise on the appropriate spacing of the gully pits to evacuate the flow of water from the channel


  • The large openings of the Hi-Flo grate ensure runoff is immediately captured and directed into the channel system
  • Anti-shunt lugs built into the channel rail seat ensure dynamic wheel movements do not dislodge grates
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