Maryborough-Hervey Bay Road Upgrade, Fraser Coast, Qld
The Queensland Department Transport and Main Roads recently committed over $12M to upgrade Maryborough-Hervey Bay Road and Urraween Road intersection.
With a historically high accident rate, the projects objective was to improve safety and support the development and growth of Fraser Coast.
Project Design Brief
The upgrade involved the inclusion of dedicated left and right turn lanes from Urraween Road in both the east and west directions. To avoid widening the corridor, designers wanted to restrict the width of ponding by ensuring surface water runoff was immediately captured.
ACO's Solution
- TraffikDrain TD200 with Hi-Flo grates, with PowerLok boltless locking mechanisms
- ACO’s Technical Services team assisted designers with hydraulic performance data of the system
- The large openings of the Hi-Flo grate ensures runoff is immediately captured into the channel system
- Anti-shunt lugs ensure grates remain firmly in place and won’t be dislodged by excessive wheel movements and braking
Other ACO products used:
- Trafficable cable enclosures (ACO Cablemate®)