Kawana Way Link Road, Sunshine Coast, QLD
The upgrade to the Kawana Way Link Road was funded from the Queensland Governments $22 million State Infrastructure Plan to improve access to the newly completed Sunshine Coast University Hospital. The aim of the upgrade was to increase capacity and manage traffic flow through the key intersections. The improvements included dual traffic lanes in both directions, a dedicated through lane, an extended left turn lane and additional turning lanes. Pedestrian paths and on-road cycling facilities were also included.
Project Design Brief
The additional lanes for the upgrade meant that some of the carriageways needed to be super elevated. The minimal shoulder width at the centre median strip also meant a conventional pit and pipe drainage system would have gully pits protruding onto the carriageway. Designers required a compact drainage system that would efficiently remove the rainwater runoff and easily trace the contour of the shoulder of the road.
ACO's Solution
- KerbDrain QK200SF
- ACO’s Technical Services Department provided designers with inlet slot and channel performance calculations to ensure the system met the project requirements
- The 500mm lengths enabled easy installation around the curve shaped median strip
- KerbDrain’s compact design enabled it to fit neatly in the shoulder of the carriageway
- Installing KerbDrain reduced the cost as less gully pits and pipework was required
Other ACO products used:
- Cable enclosures