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Hammond Road Duplication, Perth, WA

The City of Cockburn, the Government of Western Australia and the federal government have a mandate to improve Perth’s transport network and reduce traffic congestion. A recent example of this is the duplication of Hammond Road between Branch Circus and Bartram Road in Success, a southern suburb of Perth.

Project Design Brief

The upgrade consisted of creating a two-lane dual carriageway, and new roundabouts at three key intersections. Influenced by the local topography, there were some super elevated sections of road along bends. Engineers needed a compact drainage system that would effectively contain and capture the surface water runoff from the newly constructed lanes.

ACO's Solution


  • KerbDrain transforms kerbs into continuous capture inlets.
  • The compact design fits neatly in the median of the carriageway.
  • The 500mm lengths of KerbDrain allows them to be installed on a gentle curve.
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Hammond Road Duplication, Perth
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