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Guildford Principle Shared Path, Perth, WA

Recently the Public Transport Authority of Western Australia completed works on the Principle Shared Path (PSP) extension along the Perth to Midland train line between Guildford Train Station and East Street. The new 1.3km cycle and pedestrian path improves safety with complimentary lighting, signage, line marking and a wider pavement. The PSP provides a more direct route to the station and aims to improve traffic congestion along the corridor.

Project Design Brief

Designers wanted the surface water run off to be removed quickly and efficiently from the path to ensure the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. The designers also needed to optimise the available space along the path.

ACO's Solution

  • KerbDrain QK200SF
  • ACO’s Technical Services Department assisted designers with hydraulic performance data and accurate slot intake capacities of the KerbDrain system


  • KerbDrain combines the pavement kerb and drainage system into a single system providing cost savings and space saving
  • KerbDrain is a continuous capture drainage system ensuring quick and efficient removal of surface water from the pavement
  • The installation of KerbDrain provides additional significant cost savings as the system eliminates the need for extensive pipe work and gully pits
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Guildford Principle Shared Path, Perth
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