Gateway Vision, Perth, WA
The $1 billion Gateway WA project was the largest ever scheme delivered by Main Roads Western Australia in partnership with the federal government. The project involved the upgrade of road infrastructure around Perth Airport to cater for the predicted growth in freight movements. The project included the upgrade of Tonkin, Leach, and Roe Highways, and the construction of four new interchanges.
Project Design Brief
A key part of the project were improvements and extensions to the Kewdale Industrial Area involving significant road widening works. Carriageway widths were therefore constrained and could not support conventional kerb inlet pits. Designers thus required a compact surface drainage system to efficiently remove runoff from the newly constructed turning lanes.
ACO's Solution
- KerbDrain QK200SM
- ACO’s Technical Services Department provided designers with inlet slot and channel performance calculations to ensure the system met the project requirements
- KerbDrain’s compact design enabled it to fit neatly in the shoulder of the carriageway
- The 500mm lengths allowed for easy installation around the curve shaped footpaths
- Installing KerbDrain reduced the cost as fewer pits and pipework would be required
Other ACO products used:
- Cable pits (ACO Cablemate)