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East Pakenham Train Maintenance Depot, Melbourne, VIC

Part of the Victorian Government’s High Capacity Metro Trains Project is a new depot that has just opened at Pakenham East, Melbourne to provide maintenance services for Melbourne’s new fleet of high capacity metro trains. The depot includes a stabling yard for 30 trains and an advanced driver trainer simulator.

Project Design Brief

Designers wanted a surface drainage system to intercept stormwater runoff from the adjacent slabs to protect from flooding the work areas beneath the stationary trains. The drainage system would need to integrate with the rail whilst providing effective drainage along its entire length.

ACO's Solution

  • TramDrain 200 with Iron Heelsaferegistration markAnti-Slip grates


  • Compatible with the grooved rail gauge. Its rubber chute drains the rail and with the EPDM seal, isolates the trench drain from stray currents
  • The drainage system run provides the ideal barrier to intercept stormwater runoff from entering into sensitive areas
  • Augmentable beyond the track area to provide drainage to adjoining slabs

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East Pakenham Train Maintenance Depot
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