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Dohles Rocks Road, Griffin, QLD

The Federal and Queensland State Governments and the Moreton Bay Regional Council jointly funded the Moreton Bay Rail Link project costing $988 million. The project included 14km of dual-track passenger rail line, six new railway stations and significant upgrades to Dohles Rocks Road. The upgrade will cater for increased traffic volumes and enable commuters’ access to park and ride stations along the new Moreton Bay Rail Link.

Project Design Brief

To facilitate traffic flows, dedicated turning lanes were required. Designers encountered restrictions to the amount of land that could be acquired for the extra turning lanes. Due to the space limitations, traditional pit and pipe drainage was unsuitable and a linear drainage system was required to capture the water flows from the road.

ACO's Solution

  • TraffikDrain TD200 with Iron Hi-Flo grates


  • TD200 linear drainage system provided economical cost savings compared to the closely spaced pit and pipe option
  • The TD200 system incorporates a 0.5% built-in slope within the channel run, facilitating runoff to the outlet in flat road pavements
  • Anti-shunt lugs ensure grates remain firmly in place and will not dislodge when trafficked by accelerating, braking or turning vehicles

Other ACO products used:

  • Cable enclosures
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