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Denham Street Upgrade, Rockhampton, QLD

The Federal Government’s Black Spot Programme aims to reduce traffic incidents and the national road toll. The programme targets dangerous locations and installs traffic signals and roundabouts to reduce the risk of accidents. Fifty percent of the funding provided is dedicated to fixing roads in regional Australia. One such project was the installation of a single lane roundabout at the intersection of Denham Street and Kent Street in Rockhampton at a cost of $850,000.00.

Project Design Brief

The installation of the roundabout required the Denham Street carriageway to be widened and the bus stop location to be moved further up the street. Widening of the carriageway reduced the required space for a traditional pit and pipe drainage system, necessitating an alternative compact drainage system that also needed to be robust, secure and hydraulically efficient.

ACO's Solution

  • TraffikDrain TD300 system with Iron Intercept Heelsaferegistration mark Anti-slip grates


  • The TraffikDrain channels fit within the restricted shoulder width
  • TraffikDrain continually captures all the surface water, eliminating width of gutter flow
  • The PowerLokregistration mark boltless locking mechanism provides easy access for maintenance
  • Anti-shunt lugs ensure heavy vehicles such as buses can brake safely on the grates without dislodging them
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Denham Street Upgrade, Rockhampton
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