Bundaberg Hummock, Bundaberg, QLD
The Bundaberg Hummock, commonly referred to as The Hummock, is the remnant of an extinct volcano situated in the locality of Qunaba, east of Bundaberg. Qunaba is primarily agricultural land, with much of it dedicated to sugarcane farming. While the area is mostly flat, The Hummock stands out, offering 360-degree views that have made its slopes a desirable location for residential development.
Project Design Brief
As residential development continues to expand in the region, local council designers encountered challenges related to water ingress into properties. Due to site constraints, implementing traditional kerb inlet pits and underground drainage system was not feasible.
ACO's Solution
- TraffikDrain – TD300 with Iron Hi-Flo grates.
- ACO’s Technical Services department provided designers with hydraulic performance data of the
TraffikDrain system and gave advice on the optimal spacing of the pits.
- The large openings of the Hi-Flo grate ensures runoff is efficiently captured eliminating the hazard of gutter flow to motorists.
- Anti-shunt lugs ensure grates remain firmly in place and are not dislodged by excessive wheel movements and braking.