Bruce Highway Cooroy to Curra Section 3, Woondum QLD
The Bruce Highway upgrade is one of Queensland’s highest priority projects involving a 62km realignment and road widening between Cooroy and Curra. As part of the Federal and State Governments on-going commitment to improve safety, flood resilience, capacity and access to the local roadwork, a $384M funding package was allocated to constructing a 10.5 km greenfield dual carriageway between Traveston and Woondum. The project is intended to meet the future strategic transport needs of the Sunshine Coast and Gympie regions.
Project Design Brief
The upgrade involved the inclusion of several turning lanes in the section running through the town of Gympie. Designers wanted to ensure that during storms, all surface runoff could be effectively captured so that there would be no ponding against the centre median. A large inlet continuous grated trench drain was required. The drain had to be robust in its construction suitable for highway traffic.
ACO's Solution
- TraffikDrain TD300 with Iron Hi-Flo grates
- ACO’s Technical Services Department provided designers with hydraulic performance data of the TraffikDrain system and gave advice on the optimal spacing of the pits
- The large openings of the Hi-Flo grate ensures runoff is efficiently captured eliminating the hazard of gutter flow to motorists
- Anti-shunt lugs ensure grates remain firmly in place and are not dislodged by excessive wheel movements and braking
Other ACO products used:
- Cable pits (ACO Cablemate®)