Industry Solutions
Please browse ACO’s various industry studies and information on ACO’s advanced drainage solutions.
Whitepaper: Pedestrian safe drains
Whitepaper: Drainable pavements for improved walkability
Whitepaper: Sizing drains
Engineers Australia Whitepaper: Take the guesswork out of trench drainage selection.
Channel hydraulics
Walter McIntyre discusses the
theory and reality of water-flow
in channels.
Drain cost comparison
The two main approaches to surface water drainage: Linear and grated pit & pipe drainage.
Pavement design for Polycrete® Channels
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the concrete encasement is suited for the application and is designed/approved by the project’s engineer.
Road Drainage System Comparison
There are several ways in capturing the runoff from roads with different costs implications. The following is a comparison of the installed costs between three road drainage scenarios.
'V' profile channels
‘V’ profile channels in combination with the smooth surface of polymer concrete produce a hydraulically efficient trench drain.
Draining large flat pavements
How slope in a trench affects hydraulic performance and how to achieve optimum hydraulic efficiency.
Maintenance friendly lockable grates
ACO offers only fast locking/unlocking devices removing the need for fiddly bolts, this saves time and money.
Polycrete® pits v. GRC pits
A comparison sheet of the significant differences between Polycrete® Pits and GRC pits.