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HexaLine 100

HexaLine is a recyclable polypropylene trench drain system with a range of innovative features, making installation of drainage channels easier than ever.

This product is suitable for pedestrian and light vehicle traffic applications.


HexaLine 100 - features & benefits

ACO GALALINE is sold exclusively through:

Hexaline 100 Features
1Grates snap fit for easy cleaning & maintenanceStainless steel Heelguard grate
Non-metallic drain optionCutting guide to create half metre channels
3Easy-fit end cap with both male and female connectionsMale/female ends for easy slide-fit channel/ accessory connections
4Outlet endcap for 75 mm and 100 mm pipesInstallation steps marked on underside of channel
5Galvanised steel grateHexagonal columns give excellent strength for load bearing
Corner unit allows easy creation of tees, corners and down spout connection13Bottom Outlet Adapter ‘push-fits’ into underside of channel, in a choice of 9 positions for 75mm and 100mm
Microgrip slip resistance texturing on plastic grates

HexaLine 100 - product details

Channel Reece
Part No.
ACO HexaLine 100 mm x 1m channel only 908962 130 81 0.8
Grates Reece
Part No.
ACO HexaLine galvanised grate only - (1 m) 908963 117 1.2
ACO HexaLine stainless steel Heelguard grate only - (1m) 908964 117 3.2
ACO HexaLine plastic grate only - (1m) 908965 117 0.6
ACO HexaLine brickslot grate only - (0.5 m*) 908966 117 0.4

* 2 grates needed to fit a 1 metre channel

Accessories Reece
Part No.
Part No.
ACO HexaLine plastic end cap 908967 130 81 0.1
ACO HexaLine plastic 100 mm end outlet 908968 130 81 0.1
ACO HexaLine grate removal tool 908969 - - 0.1
ACO HexaLine plastic corner unit 908970 130 81 0.4
ACO Hexaline Bottom Outlet Adapter 908978 19293 0.1
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